Re, Convection Coefficient and Nusselt No. Calculations in ANSYS Fluent

Описание к видео Re, Convection Coefficient and Nusselt No. Calculations in ANSYS Fluent

This tutorial was about fluid flow within a circular tube; you will learn in this video:
1- How to make a special mesh for the case considered.
2-How to set up ansys fluent for required calculations.
3- How to calculate Reynolds number, convection coefficient and Nusselt number.
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The expressions appeared in the tutorial were listed below:
Re=(997 [kg/m^3]*0.05 [m]*areaAve(Velocity)@inlet )/0.000891 [kg/m/s]
h=areaAve(Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient)@fully_developed
Nu=(h *0.05 [m])/(0.607 [W/m/K])
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Also; to download the geometry file, please click on the following link:


Информация по комментариям в разработке