Care plan on "Asperger's Syndrome"

Описание к видео Care plan on "Asperger's Syndrome"

Asperger syndrome also known as Asperger's, is a neurodevelopmental condition 
◽characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.

Asperger syndrome generally involves:
Difficulty with social interactions
◽Restricted interests
◽Desire for sameness
◽Distinctive strengths

◽ Genetic factors
◽Medical conditions
◽Immune factors
◽Perinatal factors
◽Psychosocial factors

Some signs of Asperger’s include:

✨Hyperfocus. Many people develop an extreme focus on a narrow topic of interest. For children, that could be an all-consuming interest in things like train schedules or dinosaurs, for example. This interest can fuel one-sided conversations with peers and adults.
✨Trouble recognizing social cues. People with Asperger’s might remain unaware of attempts to change the topic of conversation, which can be one reason why they have difficulties with social interactions. They may also have difficulty knowing when to lower their voices in certain locations.
✨Difficulty reading facial expressions or body language. Many autistic people have a hard time recognizing and understanding other people’s feelings. They might find body language difficult to interpret, avoid making eye contact, speak in a monotone, and display few facial expressions.
✨Difficulty with motor skills and coordination. Some children with Asperger’s may find essential motor skills, like running or walking, challenging. They might lack coordination and have trouble with climbing or riding a bike.

Treatment :
✴️ Medication:
▪️Antidepressants. Antidepressants can help ease symptoms of depression. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
✴️Anti-anxiety medications.:
including SSRIs and benzodiazepines, can reduce symptoms.

✴️Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT):
CBT is a type of psychotherapy that can help identify and change negative and unhelpful thought and behavior patterns.
✴️Speech therapy:
A speech therapist evaluates and address language and communication challenges.
✴️Social skills training:
Social skills programs address issues that make social interaction challenging for people.


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