Amiga Streams the Seventh and Final: RL:I, Castles, and one more time, Lemmings!

Описание к видео Amiga Streams the Seventh and Final: RL:I, Castles, and one more time, Lemmings!

Good bye Renegade Legion...until next time (which might be sooner than you think...! )

As much as I played Castles back when, I don't think I fully understood the building aspect until I started re-playing it here. I never got past the 2nd castle, and I'm kind of interested in getting back into this some time! I read a ton of Arthurian mythos back when, and I loved just doing some crazy castle designs at a time when everyone else was building up their simulated cities...even if I wasn't very good at it.

Lemmings is Lemmings. Play it for goofy puzzle times!

With that, I leave you with hopefully an appreciation of Amiga gaming, and a fondness to seek it out for yourself! I'll definitely be back with more Amiga gaming in the future, and hope to see you again then!

-- Watch live at   / dcbueller  

00:00 One more pre-Amiga rambling
04:25 Renegade Legion: Interceptor
02:29:16 Castles
03:14:10 Intro for LOTR, an intro that hypes me up like no other...
03:30:30 Lemmings


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