PSLE-GO - Exams are not do or die. A story on teenage suicides in Singapore. //

Описание к видео PSLE-GO - Exams are not do or die. A story on teenage suicides in Singapore. //

[含中英双字幕] Zihui and Justin are sitting for their year-end PSLE examinations, which will determine whether they get into the top schools or not. It is a stressful time and Zihui is having serious trouble coping. Despite her parents’ support, her fear of disappointing them is overwhelming. Justin knows that Zihui is not herself but can he convince the adults that his friend is crumbling before it is too late?

《倦子2:PSLE-GO》 簡介: 子慧和正康是一對正在參加小學離校會考的小六生。這將測定他們是否能進入頂尖名校。在這緊張時期,子慧面對着巨大的壓力。儘管有父母不斷的支持與鼓勵,子慧還是深怕辜負父母對她的期望。發現子慧有點不對勁的正康,是否能及時向家長們說明一切?

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