The Future of Theatrical and Independent Cinema

Описание к видео The Future of Theatrical and Independent Cinema

"The Future of Film" is a free online conference taking place between the 19th - 23rd of July, about the immediate future of film.

The Future of Theatrical and Independent Cinema will be the first topic covered on the conference, 19th July at 11AM (CEST), with Martin Dale, Reporter for Variety, and Moderated by Paul Miller.


Systemic changes were already taking place in the film ecosystem before the pandemic, however they have been greatly accelerated.

What is the future of film? What is its role in society? And how will we as a whole behave once restrictions have been lifted? Theaters are expected to play a different role, but which will it be, exactly? And how will independent cinema connect with the audiences?


Script - Jorge Pereira, João Silva Santos
Editing & Motion - Luís Sá
Voice Over - Eric Colvin
Subtitles - Beatriz Mosa
Direction - Filipe Pereira, João Silva Santos

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