Part 1: GPU compatibility & FFR — Is the Crystal Light your next VR headset?

Описание к видео Part 1: GPU compatibility & FFR — Is the Crystal Light your next VR headset?

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00:00 Intro
01:20 3060
02:03 3070
02:35 3090
03:09 Ending

PC specs:
Windows 10, 13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700KF 3.40 GHz, 16 GB RAM RTX 3060, RTX 3070, RTX 3090 GeForce Game Ready Driver: Version: 522.22

The Crystal Light brings the core experience of the Crystal at a much more affordable price, as well as a lighter package. The Crystal Light needs no battery, as the power supply is directly brought through the DisplayPort cable. The headset and controllers are tracked with built-in 6DOF inside-out tracking, so you don't need to buy any base stations. It's a pure PCVR headset, and a simplified user experience.


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