What Diet Best Lowers Phthalate Exposure?

Описание к видео What Diet Best Lowers Phthalate Exposure?

The highest levels of phthalates, hormone-disrupting plastics chemical pollutants, are found in meats, fats, and dairy.

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Previous videos on dietary sources of phthalates include Chicken Consumption and the Feminization of Male Genitalia (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/chick...) and Lowering Dietary Antibiotic Intake (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/lower.... Diet isn’t the only way one can be exposed internally, though. See: Avoiding Adult Exposure to Phthalates (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/avoid...) for the risk in children and adult toys.

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Image Credit: Serdar Basak via 123rf.

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