Heroes of History: The Conquerors

Описание к видео Heroes of History: The Conquerors

Conqueror proved a little more difficult than the last two, and that's why this video is...relatively shorter. There's not much to tell. Conqueror is a fabrication thematically because criminals could never be conscripted as knights, and even then, conscriptions were a rarity in the Middle Ages. So I had to take the reverse direction...of a bandit who became a mercenary. This wasn't as uncommon. Highwaymen who raided travelers and caravans sometimes became very good at killing and raiding to the point that feudal lords might hire them to cause some trouble for a neighboring territory. At that time, the words bandit and mercenary were almost synonyms.

I hope ya'll enjoy this dive into Conqueror and his history, and I urge ya'll to subscribe and to leave your suggestions below for the next hero we cover or for just what you'd like to see more of.


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