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Live Nodejs Interview.
what are the question asked in Nodejs Interview for senior developer/team leads?
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nodejs Interview question?.
node.js Interview question?.
nodejs interview questions and answers for experience software developer?
Top 50 Node.js Interview Questions and Answers.?
Node.js Interview Questions and Answers | Node.js Interview Questions |
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Question and answer for experience Nodejs tech leads during live interview.
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JS Interview questions and answers

node js interview questions
nodejs interview questions for experience
node.js interview questions for experience
nodejs interview questions for software developer

If anyone wants questions asked in the interview.
How node process model works and
is different compared to other technologies like .net or
python PHP java etc
1) what are basic things which is different in node that makes
node faster to other tech
2.runs on single thread
3.internally uses lib UV library
4.explains event loop
5.Company names which uses Node and why do they use it
6) since node is a sync how to execute code synchronously
8.async await
9. promises
10. async await vs promises
11.module named a sync
12) what is a sync.series and a sync.parallel
13) difference between promise.all and promise.settled promise.any
14) what are global s provided by node
15.example: window, process, etc
16) how to check if all the N.P.m packages we are using are safe to use or not
17) how do you debug
18) express look back sequel
19) how routing mechanism works in express
20) Middle wares in express
21) can we use middle-ware in response? scenarios?
22) Event driven development for ex: event emitter etc
23) How do you deal with exceptions
not try catch but unhanded exceptions etc
we log those exception to log file ( this are catch-able exceptions)
24) API development using other method except get and post
25) difference between N.P.M vs yarn
26) what is package.JSON file and all the sections under it
27) How node process will detect whether this is DEV
environment or prod environment and it should use DEV dependency or not
28) while selecting node version there is L.T.S what does L.T.S stand for
( it is most stable version )
29) How you deal with localization in node ? localization with different language
30) Sub processes in node
eg: You need to run binary from the server get o/p of that binary and
31. use it in my node process
32) how do you authenticate and authorize the request
33 when it is made from front end to backed ?
34 (J.W.T token)
33) different token mechanisms
34) what type of info does J.W.T token contain
35. what encryption algorithm it is using to encrypt data
front end
36) what features did you find in angular/react that attracted you to the technology
37) difference between prod build and Dev build
38) if there is error in prod environment build ( front end ) where errors are displayed
39) Life cycles in angular / react
39) Table storage engines in MySQL
40) Indexing
41) Stored procedures in MySQL
42) Join two tables in MongoDB
43) what is mongoose and benefits of mongoose
44) difference between mongoose and MongoDB
45) aggregate functions in MongoDB
46) 2D indexes and partial indexes in MongoDB
47) what is docker and Kubernetes
benefits / how it works etc.
48) what is SVN and git and in git why we use branches
49) undo code pushed in branch which is initiated from master branch
it should be initiated from development branch
50) what is cherry picking, re-base, stashing etc in git
51) what is Agile methodology



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