Traditional Celtic Song - An Lá Bha'n Ridire Ag Ól

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This is a traditional Scottish song about a Knight drinking with his wife in an inn. He cuts his hand with his sword and begins to bleed. They then decide to bury him quickly. This type of song would be referred to as a waulking song.
Some useful Scottish Gaelic terms as you listen to this song
Ridire = Knight
Ag òl = Drinking


Latha bha 'n Ridire ag òl,
Hò rò, hùg a hùg o,
'San taigh-òsd', e fhéin 's a bhean,
Hùg a bhi a, seinn tug ho ro.

'San taigh-òsd', e fhéin 's a bhean,
Hò rò, [etc.]
Ridire gun gheàrr e mheur,
Hùg a bhi a, [etc.]

Gus na rànaig e 'n cnàimh glas;

Dh'fhalbh an fhuil 'na struth gu làr,

Dh'fhalbh an anail 'na ceò as:

Fios air a chàirdean gu léir!

Fios air a chinne gu luath!

Gus an corp a chur gu cill,

Gus a chur fo'n ùir gu grad.

Latha chaidh Fionn dha'n bheinn t-seilg,

Thachair ris colann gun cheann --

Dh'éirich Conan, dh'éirich Conn,

Dh'éirich friogh is fraoch air Bran,

Thug iad gu bodhradh mo chinn.

'S ann agam fhìn a bha 'n long,

B'fheàrr a chuireadh tonn 'na déidh,

'S ann agam fhìn a bha 'n cù

B'fheàrr a chuir a shùil ri seilg,

'S ann agam fhìn a bha 'n t-each

B'fheàrr a mharcraicheadh le sréin,

'S ann agam fhìn a bha bean

B'fheàrr a leanadh ri fear fhéin.

English translation

Day Drinking Drink,
Hò rò, hùg a hùg o,
In the inn, he and his wife,
Hùg a bhi a, seinn thug ho ro.

In the inn, he and his wife,
Hò rò, [etc.]
Knight that he cut a finger,
Hùg to be, [etc.]

To the orange it is a green nail;

The blood flowed into the floor,

The breath went out in the mist:

Know all his friends!

Know your race quickly!

To put the body to cell,

Get started right now.

One day Fionn went to the hunting hill,

Headless body met

Conan, Conn,

Fried and heather sprouted Bran,

They brought me to death of my head.

My own was the ship,

It would be better to wave the wave,

My own was the dog

It would be better to put his eye on hunting,

My own was the horse

It would be better to be signaled,

My wife was my own

It would be best to follow one's own.


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