Offline MV cable PD testing - setting up the test

Описание к видео Offline MV cable PD testing - setting up the test

In this practical video we present to you a setup for offline MV cable testing. We show how we connected the HV source to Capacitive Divider (1. sensor), we also explain why we have 2 coaxial cables coming out of the divider. Then we continue to show how we connected to the equipment under test (MV cable). We proceed to explain why other cables of that same phase are grounded (to ground the generated voltage obtained through mutual induction) and then we show the 2. sensor - HFCT - that allows us to have a more clear picture - and to inform us - where is the (potentially) found PD coming from - (ground) which we consider a disturbance or from the tested cable (signal we are trying to find). In the end we show the Acquisition unit - PD Base II - we explain which signal (HF) from which sensor is connected - and where is the sine wave (synchronisation signal) connected to. You can also see how we connected the Fibre Optic connection - the FO is used to communicate with the PC that has acquisition software installed on it.


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