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How to help a cat adjust to a new home?

From experience I know that cats do not like to move, but they do adjust. My last cat moved with us 5 times in 17 years and adjusted to every new home within a week.

Before the Move:

A cat might see the moving boxes and will become unsettled. They roam around the house and like to get inside the boxes, sometimes it is better to contain them in a part of the house where there is less activity. Other cats remain relatively unconcerned depending on their temperament.

If the cat is very stressed consult the vet, as the vet may advise medication for the cat while the move takes place.

The day of the Move:

If possible move everything else before moving the cat. Then put your cat into a secure cat carrier, the cat may not like this as he will associate the carrier with trips to the vet. Take the cat to the new dwelling and put him into an unused room, laundry or somewhere small and contained with his cat bed, litter and food. Shut the door and leave the cat alone for a few hours as the cat needs time to settle.

After you have restored basic order to your new dwelling, bring the cat out for a while and let him wander around the new home ( inside only). The cat will recognize the scent of furniture and your belongings and he will start to feel better.

Do not let him out of the house. He will need to remain inside for 5 or 6 days in order to adjust to the new home.

This is quite tricky as you are trying to finalize the move and the cat is stressed, so put the cat back into the laundry and shut the door.

After the Move:

Some cats will try to return to their old home, so in order for them to settle you may need to keep the cat in the house for a full week. Make sure that the cat has a scratching post and a few cat toys. The cat will need to continue to sleep in the laundry at night, as it will be a secure place for him. Cats are nocturnal and at night can become very unsettled.

Day three or four after Move:

If you have a garden take your cat outside for an hour. This trip will need to be supervised, and you should watch to make sure that he does not try to get away. Mostly this is quite an interesting exercise as the cat will go around the borders sniffing and marking territory.

If you have time, extend the outdoor access to a bit longer the next day and continue to supervise the outdoor access until you have been at the house for a week. You will notice that your cat is becoming much more settled and is happy to be with you and will not try to escape after this time.

Cat Access:

Make sure that your new home has a cat door that can be latched. You will need to lock it at night to keep your cat in the house.

After the first week, a cat should be able to go in and out in daylight hours unsupervised. Most cats will go out for a while and then come inside and go to sleep, they appear to sleep for about 18 hours a day. Just in case, when wandering make sure that the cat is wearing a tag with a phone number on it, this way you can be reached if your cat goes for a walk and gets lost. Cats are very territorial and once they have established their territory they will mostly stay near to home. If your cat has been taking medication for anxiety this will be a good time to stop it, as they will no longer require it once they are used to their new home.


Sometimes other cats may have established your new garden as part of their territory. If you find that this has happened you will need to move the interloper on, hosing usually sees them off. You do not want your cat to start fighting as this can lead to trips to the vet. If you do see another cat in your garden find out where it comes from and speak to the owner. Your cat will not want to share the garden.

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