Terapia antalgica o terapia del dolore.

Описание к видео Terapia antalgica o terapia del dolore.

C'è una definizione precisa del dolore, stilata dallo IASP International Association for the Study of Pain: il dolore è un'esperienza sensoriale ed emozionale spiacevole. associata danno tissutale in atto o potenziale. È descritta in termini di danno perché è un'esperienza individuale e soggettiva e spesso un segnale importante per la diagnosi di una malattia. e purtroppo il sintomo che più deteriora l'integrità fisica e psichica sia del paziente sia dei familiari, con un notevole impatto della qualità della vita. Il dolore acuto cronico rende spesso inabile chi ne soffre. Ma per fortuna l'antalgia o terapia antalgica permette un approccio scientifico e terapeutico per il trattamento del dolore. La terapia antalgica oggi ha raggiunto livelli altissimi. Siamo alla Casa di Cura Villa Fiorita di Perugia, un centro d'eccellenza di terapia del dolore con i Dottori Stefano Meloncelli, Tania Berenguer, Francisco Lopez e Federica Marchetti, Anestesisti e Terapisti del dolore.
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English: The video is about pain therapy, also known as antalgic therapy. The International Association for the Study of Pain has defined pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Pain is described as damage because it is a subjective and individual experience and is often an important signal for the diagnosis of a disease. Pain, whether acute or chronic, can severely impact the physical and psychological well-being of both the patient and their family, and has a significant impact on the quality of life. John Barica is considered one of the founders of multidisciplinary approaches to managing pain, and wrote a valuable text on pain management in 1953. In Italy, a law was enacted in 2010 recognizing the right to pain treatment, regardless of age or illness, both in acute and chronic phases. The video mentions the pain therapy course being held at the Villa Fiorita clinic in Perugia for medical professionals. The clinic is recognized by the national healthcare system and offers innovative, minimally invasive pain treatment options such as back pain, sciatica, and disk-related pain treatments, including a new method of endoscopic therapy. The video concludes by mentioning a course on endoscopic therapy and inviting local physicians to attend and learn about the clinic's services.


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