⭐️Top 5 Grind Spots in Tuvala Gear - BDO 2023⭐️

Описание к видео ⭐️Top 5 Grind Spots in Tuvala Gear - BDO 2023⭐️

In this video, I go over my top 5 favorite grind spots on the seasonal server for Black Desert Online. This video isn't going to be in the order of best to worst but rather in the order of least gear score requirements to most. Also, do note that some of the higher end spots can be difficult if you lack journals and good crystals. Hope this helps!

BenQ treVolo U Desktop Dialogue Speaker is a Bluetooth speaker which enables you to listen to human vocals and speech better than ever and enjoy the most pleasant listening experience for online gaming, Discord, meetings and more. This speakers voice clarity is definitely a game changer for games who want a high quality device for home and on the go.

Amazon product page: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B63HVD1W
BenQ website: https://bit.ly/43CrIH3

00:00 - Start
01:03 - Spot 1
01:41 - Spot 2
02:22 - BenQ
03:32 - Spot 3
04:18 - Spot 4
05:13 - Spot 5
06:14 - BDO Seasonal Tips
Stream: https://kick.com/pansy
Discord:   / discord  
Twitter:   / realpansy  
⭐️Top 5 BDO Seasonal Grind Spots⭐️
#bdo #treVoloU, #BenQtreVoloU, #voicechat, #gamingsetup


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