Mutundwe Women's Conference By Pastor Tom Mugerwa 22-July-2023

Описание к видео Mutundwe Women's Conference By Pastor Tom Mugerwa 22-July-2023


🫃 PRAISE God. Today, we called women with child bearing problems [abortions, barren, child deaths, one sex children] and it is by concensus that all of you here fall under this category. As I have told you before, Satan has increased his power and we should also increase in God's power.
🙇‍♀️EVERYTHING demonic has increased in power. Child bearing complications were less previously but have multiplied recently.
🫃SATAN targets and fights born again christians through imperting on them child bearing problems. Let's praise God for the testimonies, don't loose hope because the God who has done for those women will do for you.
🙇‍♀️Knowledge is very important to conquering the cause of the problems. Child bearing problems are caused by different things namely:
↪️You were bewitched
↪️you were cursed
↪️You arboted
↪️Barrenness of men

🫃WHEN you are in such situations, you usually have dream the following:
↪️ Spiritual husbands
↪️Snakes entering your private parts
↪️Your periods before they happen.
↪️Breastfeeding children
↪️When your breast milk is leaking
↪️When you're getting married but you can't see the man marrying you
↪️animals having sez with you
↪️A cow knocking you
↪️ dreaming your late husband

🙇‍♀️IF you have the above, they are signs that you are in bondage. These bondages are spiritual and no any doctor can see them.
🫃SATAN usually brings annoyance, bitterness, worry, etc in you but these cannot solve your problems. You should know that the problem you may have is not the problem, neither the cause of the problem, but the attitude you develop towards that problem the real problem is jealousy, bitterness, worries, stress, which God will remove from you and touch your womb to give you children.
🫃PRAY to God to develop a loving heart towards those who mock you. When you get a right heart, God will sit in it and give you children.
🙇‍♀️Try to apply what you learn at MCF and see how God will work for you. Note the following:
↪️ *NEVER*, never be motivated by people's words
↪️ *NEVER*, never be motivated evil circumstances surrounding you
↪️ BE driven by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.

🫃NEVER start meditating about what people say, because the words of men don't get blessing, but *God's Word recieves blessing*.
🙇‍♀️GOD is far better and greater than the children you are yearning for. Exalt God who will give you children.
🫃HANNAH went to the temple of God and poured her heart to God. Her husband wasn't involved. She went back home with a settled and calm heart. When you become troubled or confused, you defile your heart and thoughts. Eventually, God answered Hannah and gave her children. This is what God is going to do to you when your heart is calm.

What has defiled your heart
↪️Evil thoughts
↪️Prolonged sadness
↪️Loss of hope
↪️Evil [wrong] confession
↪️Self pity
↪️Self rejection
↪️Self-hate, crying

*The above leads to*:
↪️BLOCKED communication with God.
↪️LOSS of faith in God
↪️YOUR prayers hindered
↪️YOU will go to hell. Failure to give birth should never lead you to hell.

🙇‍♀️NEVER pay bad for bad, and rejoice in the Lord and He will give you the desires ofnyour heart [Psams 37]
🫃ALWAYS wait upon the Lord with a calm heart. The state of confusion will lead you to fail to conceive and you will acquire diseases.
🙇‍♀️JOB had lots of adversities but he kept calm and Praised God. Exalt God amidst the words people talk. In both trouble and joy, always exalt God.

📖1Samuel 1:1-20
📖Psalms 112:6
📖Psalms 119:23
📖Psalms 37:1
📖Job 1:19
📖Job 2:9
📖Galatians 5:22
📖Luke 1:28


🌹There are many so many women who have been delivered with testimonies, and you will also be delivered.
🧎‍♂️We said that you have to first get your heart settled [for God to work in you]*; we looked at the dreams that bring child bearing complications *[see above]
🌹In Duetronomy 7, the Bible states that for you to be delivered, stick to God's covenants, have a settled mind, and let the Holy dwell in you.
🧎‍♂️If there is a curse of uniformity, God will separate you from your family curse. Abdra
🌹YOU will repent the sin of adultery. If you are a second wife, you need to check yourselves. If you started your marriage with fornication, repent.
🧎‍♂️When you get delivered, God will benefit more because many people will get saved by your deliverance.

📖Deuteronomy 7:11
📖Galatians 3:13

*For offerings,tithes and seeds send to:
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In the names of MUTUNDWE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP God bless you as you give


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