Akbar Gbajabiamila’s Dad Taught Him That Names Are A Source Of Strength | Clips | Dad Saves America

Описание к видео Akbar Gbajabiamila’s Dad Taught Him That Names Are A Source Of Strength | Clips | Dad Saves America

Growing up, Akbar Gbajabiamila struggled to wear his family name with pride. It made him stand out and highlighted the differences between Akbar and his peers. That experience can be hard for kids, but his dad's wise advice helped change his whole perspective.

Akbar has become a household name as the host of popular TV shows like “American Ninja Warrior,” “The Talk,” and his upcoming reality show, “Fight to Survive.” With his engaging personality and magnetic charisma, he ignites the spirits of contestants to conquer seemingly impossible obstacles.

As a first-generation American, Akbar's journey is deeply rooted in his immigrant upbringing. Raised by strong-willed Nigerian parents, he was instilled with the values of education, hard work, and finishing what you start. These principles shaped his character and nurtured an unwavering belief that he could transcend the challenges that surrounded him.

Guided by his father's wisdom, Akbar channeled his energy into sports, using them as a vehicle for self-improvement and personal growth. Through relentless dedication, he excelled in football, paving the way for his career in the NFL and broadcasting. Akbar's journey serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us all of the untapped power within ourselves to overcome obstacles and realize our dreams.

Check out the full episode this clip was featured in here:    • "American Ninja Warrior" Host Akbar G...  

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Purchase a copy of "Everyone Can Be A Ninja": https://www.amazon.com/Everyone-Can-B... ⁠
Learn more about Akbar's work with The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research: https://www.michaeljfox.org/bio/akbar...
Akbar on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@akbar_gbaja?i...
Akbar on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akbar_gbaja...

Our Website: https://www.dadsavesamerica.com

Dad Saves America is a channel dedicated to celebrating heroic fatherhood while teaching the next generation of fathers strategies they can utilize in parenting their children. We believe strong children come from a strong family. We’ve had many experts in the studio, including Jonathan Haidt, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Troy Kotsur, John Mackey, Ben Askren, and Adam Carolla.

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