Master The King's Indian Defense Like a GM - GM Roman

Описание к видео Master The King's Indian Defense Like a GM - GM Roman

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  / ichessnet   |   / onlinechessless  

The King’s Indian Defense is well-known as an aggressive option for Black against 1.d4. A hypermodern opening, Black doesn’t challenge for the center immediately, preferring to prepare for a Kingside attack and perhaps pressure the center later on.

However, Black needs to know what he’s doing as it only takes a couple of careless moves for him to be squeezed off the board. In his course, “Magnificent Instructional Masterpieces in The Kings Indian Defense“, GM Roman Dzindzichashvili looks at the best ways for Black to respond to each of the main White systems by presenting the clearest instructive games ever played.

By analyzing whole games instead of just showing opening variations, you can see how the opening ties into the middlegame plan and exactly what the threats and opportunities are for both sides.

In this preview, Roman looks at a couple of games. First up is the amazing game Ftacnik – Cvitan, 1997 in which Black traps White’s King in the corner and sacrifices first a Bishop then his Queen to lure the King out and checkmate him!

Then we see a crushing display by Kasparov against the Saemisch variation – a game Garry calls his best win against Karpov. Anatoly claims the center but Kasparov attacks first down the Kingside then the Queenside. Trying to defend, Karpov is soon overloaded and Garry scores an incredible victory.

Enjoy the preview and if you want to master the Kings Indian Defense, check out the full course here.

Learn more about the King's Indian Defense Saemisch Variation:


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