Dhul Hijjah Day 4- Money and food parcels for the sick

Описание к видео Dhul Hijjah Day 4- Money and food parcels for the sick

On this day, food and money was distributed to the sick people who had medical needs. They are unable to afford doctors treatment and will unfortunately continue to suffer if they do not receive the support they need.

Some of the people who received the food an money include: - a woman suffering from liver disease and is struggling with extreme water retention. - a young man paralysed from the neck down and his sister is his full time care taker - elderly man who has been surviving for 3 and a half years with kidney issues - and another elderly man who had been sick for 5 months now and has urine and fecal incontinence.

You can sponsor these individual by visiting: www.Aljaariyah.org

#money #food #sick #donate


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