How to get WoW Protoform Synthesis Vombata Mounts - Darkened and Adorned Vombata, Crystalsniffer

Описание к видео How to get WoW Protoform Synthesis Vombata Mounts - Darkened and Adorned Vombata, Crystalsniffer

Important coordinates:
Adorned Vombata mountain: 37.1 78.3

Curious Crystalsniffer schematic inside Sepulcher of the First Ones: 63.18 51.92

Crystallized Echo of the First Song locations:
/way 77.6 59.0
/way 78.2 54.4
/way 77.6 60.4
/way 77.4 45.3
/way 78.3 53.1

Darkened Vombata schematic: 64.2 35.6

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