Masonic Knowledge of The Historical Man “Jesus Christ”

Описание к видео Masonic Knowledge of The Historical Man “Jesus Christ”

According to secret Masonic texts, Jesus Christ was a real person, and his life was recorded. The true existence of the man we call “Jesus Christ” was known and hidden from the public for the last 2,000 years by the secret Masonry priesthood called the Freemasons, including the Catholic Pope and Vatican. This is the remarkable story of the man we know as the Biblical Jesus Christ, Jehosuah Ben Nazaria. A man whose life begins in Judea as a child born to Mary, and trained under the Rabbi Perichiah on the mystical and exoteric teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah. At 13, he escaped to Egypt to avoid persecution. In Alexandria, he was initiated by the Koinobi in the Greco-Egyptian teachings of Ophis. But, Jehosuah discovered the true meaning of the Jewish Adonai as he used the Greco-Egyptian teachings of the Koinobi to supplement his knowledge on the Kabbalah. Even going so far as writing these teachings in the most jealously guarded Masonic text, the Maggia Jesu Christi. These and more Occult Secrets Revealed.

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