Maximize Your Church's Christmas Outreach | Bart & Jason

Описание к видео Maximize Your Church's Christmas Outreach | Bart & Jason

#churchevents #christmas2024 #marketingstrategy

In this essential episode of the Missional Marketing Podcast, hosts Bart Blair and Jason Hamrock dive deep into planning and promoting Christmas events for churches. With over four years of podcasting experience, Bart and Jason share invaluable insights to help churches leverage digital marketing and effective communications for their most important outreach opportunity of the year.
The episode kicks off with a crucial reminder: it's never too early to start planning for Christmas. Jason emphasizes that churches should begin their Christmas planning as early as June or July. He stresses the importance of understanding the target audience and viewing Christmas as more than just another weekend service.
Bart and Jason discuss the delicate balance between creating a magical Christmas experience for regular attendees while also focusing on attracting newcomers. They advocate for making Christmas events as "invitable" as possible, encouraging church members to bring friends, family, and colleagues.
The podcast provides a comprehensive timeline for promoting Christmas events. Key takeaways include:

Start external advertising about 30 days before Christmas
Begin internal promotions at least three weeks in advance
Leverage the Thanksgiving weekend for increased social media engagement

The hosts share both free and paid promotional strategies:
Free methods:

Utilize Google Business Profile to promote events
Create Facebook events and encourage staff/members to mark attendance
Use platforms like Eventbrite and AllEvents for additional exposure

Paid advertising options:

Google Display Network (cost-effective and reaches a diverse audience)
Facebook/Instagram ads (effective for reaching older demographics)
Google Search ads (focus on general church-related keywords)
YouTube ads (good for branding, especially with the rise of YouTube Shorts)

Jason and Bart also address common mistakes churches make when planning Christmas events:

Starting too late
Not allocating enough budget for Christmas and Easter promotions
Failing to plan effective follow-up strategies for January

They emphasize the importance of viewing Christmas as a missional opportunity and allocating resources accordingly. The hosts suggest creative ways to engage newcomers after Christmas, such as offering targeted seminars or workshops in January that address specific community needs.
The podcast concludes with a crucial tip: conduct a thorough evaluation immediately after the Christmas event. Bart recommends asking four key questions: What went right? What went wrong? What was missing? What was confusing? This debrief process sets the foundation for even better planning in the following year.
Throughout the episode, Bart and Jason provide practical, actionable advice for churches of all sizes. They stress the importance of starting early, understanding the target audience, and creating a comprehensive promotional strategy that includes both digital and traditional methods.
Whether you're a lead pastor, communications director, or involved in church leadership, this episode of the Missional Marketing Podcast offers invaluable insights for making your church's Christmas events more impactful and inviting than ever before. By following these expert tips, churches can maximize their outreach potential during the Christmas season and set the stage for continued engagement in the new year.
Don't miss this essential guide to Christmas event planning and promotion. Tune in now to equip your church with the strategies and insights needed to make this Christmas season your most successful yet!


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