How to achieve maximum production of Rice crop of 1 month || Crop Reformer

Описание к видео How to achieve maximum production of Rice crop of 1 month || Crop Reformer

In this brief video, some important tips to achieve maximum production of Rice crop have been mentioned.
Rice is one of the most important crops of Pakistan. Basmati rice of our region is renowned worldwide. It is also liked by most of the native community and vastly used in our beloved country Pakistan. We should use modern techniques and methods to increase the overall yield of the crop. Production technology of rice is evolving with the passage of time. We should follow the new norms to cope with the prevailing challenges of water shortage and climate change. Weather is directly proportional to the production of different crops.
To check the weather situation for coming days is not a problem in present days of modern technology. We should pray our Allah for a beneficial rainfall. Farmers are advised to be aware and keep an eye on their local weather forecast by using internet and an authentic and reliable website. In this way, they can schedule their irrigation in line with the weather. Weather on an area plays a key role for better growth and development of a crop because it has its unique acidic qualities and have some essential nutrients present in it along with water.



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