How BIG investors Keep buying property! - With Jordan De Jong

Описание к видео How BIG investors Keep buying property! - With Jordan De Jong

How BIG investors Keep buying property!

Maxing out your borrowing capacity is a surefire way to get stuck in property investing.

Lucky for us, today's guest is the founder of Gameplans, Jordan de Jong, who shares with us five key ways that you can keep scaling your property portfolio.

From increasing your income to potentially accessing high yielding opportunities by buying into a syndicate with like-minded investors...

Jordan shows us not just one, two, or three, but five ways you can actually keep your portfolio growing. With some ways being simpler to do than others, it still puts an emphasis to the principle - there's no one way to the top of the mountain.

You can always find different paths, and potentially, by exploring, you will find the one that perfectly fits your situation.

Never be afraid to think outside the box, but always keep in mind to talk to property professionals who can help you along the way.

Property investing is not a walk in the park, but it certainly can be fulfilling, especially once you are able to get a hold of what works for you!

So, what are you waiting for? Tune in now, as this episode has some tips and tricks that could potentially save you from getting stuck!

00:00 - Strategies for Scaling Property Portfolios Amid High Interest Rates
04:06 - Telling People What They Need to Hear for Real Success
04:16 - Key Strategies for Building a Property Investment Portfolio
06:45 - Leveraging Lease Stock Loans for Real Estate Investment
08:32 - Risks and Complications of Joint Venture Agreements in Property Investments
09:43 - The Hidden Costs of Property Transactions
10:24 - Strategies for Growing Your Property Portfolio

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