Top 21 Celtic Gods and Goddesses and their Roles in Celtic Mythology

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Here are some of the most important Celtic Gods and Goddesses and their roles in Celtic Mythology. In fact these are the deities on which we have enough details.

The gods and goddesses and listed in an alphabetical order:

Angus Mac Og - the god of youth, love, and beauty.
Arawn - god of death, revenge and war.
Belenus - god of healing revered from Italy to Britain.
Borvo - the god of healing and hot springs.
Bres - god of fertility.
Brigid - goddes of fertility and creative inspiration.
Cernunnos - god of fertility, nature, fruits, and grains.
Cerridwen - goddess of the Moon or the goddess of the Grains and Nature.
Coventina - goddess of water.
Dagda - the god of the heavens, the father of the gods and men, the Lord of Life and Death, the God of Magic and the Earth.
Dylan - god of the sea.
Epona - goddess of fertility.
Esus - god of vegetation and forests.
Lenus - Gallic god of healing.
Lugh - god of the sun and war.
Maponus - god of music and poetry in Britain and Gaul.
Morgan Le Fay - gallic goddess who could cast curses on any mortal (also the goddess of the sea)
Morrigan - goddess of war, destiny, and death.
Nehalennia - the goddess of sailors, the sea, fertility, trade, prosperity, and good fortune.
Nuada - god of healing.
Rhiannon - the goddess of birds and horses.

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