挑战100元在印尼雅加达吃喝玩乐一整天【环游东南亚】In Indonesia, challenge one hundred yuan to play for a day

Описание к видео 挑战100元在印尼雅加达吃喝玩乐一整天【环游东南亚】In Indonesia, challenge one hundred yuan to play for a day

今天我们将挑战用100RMB,在印尼首都雅加达吃喝玩乐一天,将会是怎么样的体验呢?Today we will challenge to use 100RMB to spend a day eating, drinking and having fun in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. What kind of experience will it be like?
我们正在环游东南亚,目前在印尼的首都雅加达。印尼作为世界第四人口大国,是世界上穆斯林最多的国家,也是海外华人最多的国家。We are traveling around Southeast Asia and are currently in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. As the fourth most populous country in the world, Indonesia is the country with the largest number of Muslims in the world and the country with the largest number of overseas Chinese.


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