CUNY - The Writers' Institute - The Art of Long-Form Journalism

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The panel is introduced and moderated by Christopher Cox, senior editor at Harper's and former fiction editor at The Paris Review. Our guests include: Joan Acocella, Rivka Galchen, Alex Ross and David Samuels.

Joan Acocella is a staff writer at The New Yorker, where she reviews dance and books.
Her most recent book is Twenty-eight Artists and Two Saints.

Rivka Galchen is the author of the novel, Atmospheric Disturbances, winner of the
William J. Saroyan International Prize for Fiction. Her essays and short stories have
appeared in Harper's, The New Yorker, Bookforum and The New York Times.

Alex Ross has been the music critic of The New Yorker since 1996. He is the author of
The Rest Is Noise, which won a National Book Critics Circle Award, and the essay
collection Listen to This. In 2008 he was named a MacArthur Fellow.

David Samuels is best known for long-form journalism and essays. He is a contributing
editor at Harper's and a frequent contributor to The Atlantic and The New Yorker.


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