Résumé Foireux - Le Seigneur des Anneaux | Partie 1 {PARODIE}

Описание к видео Résumé Foireux - Le Seigneur des Anneaux | Partie 1 {PARODIE}

8ème Résumé Foireux et c'est notre première parodie d'un film live !
Un classique qui nous a marqué personnellement à tous jamais tellement la qualité est présente :
Le Seigneur des Anneaux, 1ère partie !

SCRIPT : Bob, CrazyBomb, Nessy

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(00:00-00:10) Lord of The Rings - Opening theme
(00:12-00:30) Black M - Le prince Aladin ft. Kev Adams Instrumental
(00:40-00:58) The Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack-02-Concerning Hobbits
(01:08-01:10) "Scary horror music!!"
(01:13-01:46) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-03-The Shadow of the Past
(01:47-01:58) Boku no Hero Academia OST - 03 - Hero ni Naru Nda! !
(01:59-02:03) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-03-The Shadow of the Past
(02:08-02:19) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-04-The Treason of Isengard
(02:19-02:30) One punch man - OST - 31. CGHG
(02:30-02:39) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-04-The Treason of Isengard
(02:40-02:58) The Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack-02-Concerning Hobbits
(02:59-03:23) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-05-The Black Rider
(03:42-03:49) "Scary horror music!!"
(03:49-04:06) Fellowship of the RingST-06-At the Sign of the Prancing Pony
(04:07-04:28) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-05-The Black Rider
(04:34-04:58) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-04-The Treason of Isengard
(04:57-06:29) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-10-The Council of Elrond
(06:30-06:36) Sonic The Hedgehog OST - Green Hill Zone
(07:06-07:24) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-12-A Journey in the Dark
(07:39-08:19) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-13-The Bridge of Khazad Dum
(08:20-08:31) The Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack-14-Lothlorien
(08:38-09:22) The Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack-16-Amon Hen
(09:30-09:39) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-03-The Shadow of the Past
(09:41-09:47) The Fellowship of the Ring ST-10-The Council of Elrond
(09:52-10:52) The Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack-16-Amon Hen
(10:55-11:26) The Fellowship of theRing ST-17-The Breaking of the Fellowship
(11:27-11:48) Lord Of The Rings Soundtrack (Metal Cover) par MUTLAK SIFIR
   • Lord Of The Rings Soundtrack (Metal C...  

No copyright infringement intended. Fair use. Copyright disclaimer under the section 107 of the copyright act of 1976; allowance is made for fair use for purpose such criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scolarship and research.


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