Rating Liberia's County Flags

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There are so many videos on the internet talking about how most US State flags are just awful because they follow this generic seal-on-blue template. When digging back in my mind for past Wikipedia binges, I vaguely remember the country of Liberia having not very good regional flags or county flags to be more accurate. Why they get a bad rep because they look like they were all lazily put together in MS Paint and all of them have the actual flag of Liberia as the canton. This is funny because Liberia’s flag has a canton, so it’s almost like Liberia’s county flags have a canton within a canton. And revisiting them has not changed my stance on them as they’re all just ugly. But for entertainment's sake, I will be going over all 15 of Liberia’s county flags and rate them on a scale of 1-10. Enjoy!

0:00 Introduction
0:56 Bomi County
1:24 Bong County
2:33 Gbarpolu County
3:16 Grand Bassa County
3:56 Grand Cape Mount County
4:40 Grand Gedeh County
5:32 Grand Kru County
6:14 Lofa County
6:45 Margibi County
7:43 Maryland County
8:20 Montserrado County
8:47 Nimba County
9:07 River Gee County
9:48 Rivercess County
10:24 Sinoe County


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