Lili Golestan - Part 01 - لیلی گلستان - قسمت اول

Описание к видео Lili Golestan - Part 01 - لیلی گلستان - قسمت اول

Lili Golestan (born 1944), Iranian contemporary translator and gallery holder and member of Iran Writers Center

She is the daughter of Fakhri and Ibrahim Golestan. She was born in Tehran. Her father a celebrated film producer, novel writer as well as a columnist the man who gradually became famous and his house turned to a center for the social and a circle for the artists and intellectuals.

Lili followed her classical studies up to the third grade of high school in Tehran and then she was sent to the Lycé of a decorative art in pairs to study the cloth designing for theater. Lili along with attending in the classes of Lycé, she attended in the o pen classes of Sorbonne and passed the complete courses of the World Art History and the History of French literature.

Professional Activities
By coming back to Iran for a while she worked in the Moqaddam cloth weaving plant as cloth designer and then in 1966 started to work in the newly established organization of National Television as cloth designer and after a short time she was appointed as the manager of the program of children and young adults. She left after seven years working in the T.V. Organization she started to cooperate with the papers and journals and by translating the Oriana Fallacy’s Nothing and Amen which was translated in Persian under the title of Life, War and Nothing Else stepped in the realm of translation and literature and was accepted as a translator in the intellectual centers. She established Golestan book shop in her house Garage and after a short time, the book shop was well known and welcomed but in 1986 she turned the book shop to a Gallery for displaying the items for displaying the items of plastic Arts and up to day it is running on. The gallery started its activity with displaying the works of Shorab Sepheri, the celebrated poet and painter whose works belong to Golestan family and for this very reason the inaugurating ceremony was welcomes with great appreciation.
Lili Golestan on the occasion of inauguration of her gallery wrote in Keyhan daily paper that the policy of the gallery based upon two principles: 1. Discovering the young gifts and supporting them and 2.Providing the possibilities and facilities for the masses of people that along with the art connoisseurs could enjoy and buy the artistic works.
Family Life
She met Nimat Hagigi, the Cinematographer, when she was working in National Television and their acquaintance terminated to marriage in 1968. The fruit of this marriage is three offspring: Mani, Sanam and Mahmood. Their married life lasted for six years.

Works Lili
Besides to literary and cultural activities she has published many articles in various papers and also has translated great books of the world literature. Some of her translated books are as follows:

• Oriana Fallaci, Nothing and Amen. Tehran: Amir Kabir Publication, 1972
• Christopher Frank, Mortelle. Tehran: Amir Kabir Publication, 1975
• Maurice Druin, Tislou les Pouces Verts, Tehran: The Center of the Intellectual Growth for Children and Young Adults, 1975
• Kuan Han Ching, Snow in Midsummer, A Memorial Day for professor Voo, Bon, Tehran, 1977
• Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Une Odeur de Goyave, Tehran Nashr-e-Nau, 1983
• Jean Giraudux, Ondine, Babol: Ketabsarai-e-Babol, 1988
• Italo Calvino, If on a Winter's Night…, Tehran: Agah, 1990
• Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Chronicle of a Death Foretild, Alborz Publication, Tehran, 1990
• Ahmad Mahmood, The Narration of a Life, An Interview with Ahmad Mahmood, Tehran, Mahnaz Book, 1995
• Italo Calvino, Six Memos for the Next Millenium, Tehran: Book of Mahnaz, 1996
• Wittgenstein, Remarks on Color, Tehran: Markez Publication, 1999
• Françoise Gilot, Life with Picasso. Tehran: Agah Publication, 1999
• Pierre Cabanne, Dialogue with Marcel Duchamp, Tehran: Farzan Rooz Publication and Research Center, 2001
• David Hockney, Pablo Picasso, Tehran: Farzan Rooz Publication and Research Center, 2002
• Albert Camus, The stranger, Markez Publication, 2007
• Roman Garry. ‎‭‭La Vie devant Soi, Tehran: Baztab-e-Negar Publication, 2008‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
• Plato, Le Proce de Socrates‬, Tehran: Markez Publication, 2013
• Dino Buzzati, Il Povero Ragazzo, Tehran: Nila Publication, 2015
• Eugène Ionesco, Tale No3
• Miguel Angel Storias, The Marabo has Everything Everything
• Roman Gary, L'homme a La Colombe‬
• Leonardo da Vinci, Fables
• Andrew Andre, How babies Are Made, Yanis Ritsos, Grecite
• Sean Skully, Mark Rothko
• Gauguin, Van Gauge

On 17 November 2014 she was awarded the prize of Cavalier of Literature and Art (the Academic Palm) by the Ambassador of France Government in Tehran.


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