Victory 4 EC | Elisha and the Angel Army | Wonder Ink

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Walking in Love

Lesson Title: Generosity and Cheerful Giving - Paul writes to the Corinthian Christians, encouraging them to give generously to the believers in Jerusalem and reminding them that God loves a cheerful giver.

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9

Wonder Truth: God Helps Us Be Generous
Foundation Building Blocks

Who: The Corinthian assembly of Jesus’ followers were prone to create divisions between people of different economic status. Paul writes to them with care, using rhetoric to build them up and prompt the desire to give generously.

What: The “collection” Paul mentions comes up elsewhere too (see Romans 15:25–26). Paul planned this effort to help the poor of Jerusalem, and he saw a financial gift as a way for Gentiles to bless the people of Israel, showing their unity in Christ.

Where: As the capital of the region of Achaia, Corinth was a wealthy city by ancient standards. It had a thriving mercantile industry, where Paul earned a living as a tentmaker according to Acts 18:3.

When: There isn’t a consensus for dating 2 Corinthians, but Paul would have likely exchanged letters with the Corinthians in the 40s and early 50s AD. The collection Paul successfully brought to Jerusalem precipitated his arrest, which eventually brought him to Rome.

Connecting to God’s Big Story: Jesus is careful to warn His followers, “You can’t serve God and money at the same time” (Matthew 6:24). Followers of Christ are commanded to help the poor and share from material abundance, since wealth can only come from God.

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