Undertale Yellow - All Chujin Tapes

Описание к видео Undertale Yellow - All Chujin Tapes

00:00 - Location of area to view the tapes

01:35 - Tape 1
Greetings, this is Chujin.
I don't have much time these days for a written journal so I opted for video.
I have no idea who will view these, if anyone, but I see it best to document my work.
That is all for now. Signing off.

01:54 - Tape 2
This is Chujin...
Today I traveled to Snowdin with my daughter on casual business.
While I was busy, Kanako wandered off to play with a resident.
That's when it happened...
A few panicked townsfolk ran up to me saying that a human had entered the area.
This human... they attacked the monster Kanako was with.
She was so close... She could've been next.
No one was there to protect her... Not even me...
I don't understand... I just don't understand!
Humankind already won by trapping us down here yet they keep twisting the knife!
This cannot continue any longer!
As of today, I'm looking into stopping this perpetual injustice once and for all.

02:30 - Tape 3
This is Chujin with unfortunate news...
I was... fired from my engineering position.
I poured my all into my project but it wasn't enough!
The programming was buggy but I know I could've ironed it out with a few more iterations!
Why am I punished for trying to take our struggle seriously!?
...I feel as if I'm the only one who hasn't forgotten or chosen to live in ignorance...
I told Ceroba I was retiring. Can't let her think less of me.
But enough of that... it's in the past.
I must live in the present and plan for the future.
Prove I can save monsterkind... another way.

03:02 - Tape 4
This is Chujin.
After years of research, I've made a breakthrough!
Boss Monsters... They may be the key to monsterkind's survival.
I was able to reach this conclusion because I...
...I carry the Boss Monster gene.
This means my SOUL is much stronger than that of other monsters.
More importantly, Boss Monsters are immortal until they produce offspring.
Right now, monsterkind is few in numbers compared to humanity but...
...What if anyone could become a Boss Monster like me? Like... Kanako?
As a nation, an army, we could finally possess enough power to take the Surface back!
My theory for this involves the fusion of a human SOUL and a Boss Monster SOUL.
From that, a serum would be extracted which could transform any average monster.
...Unfortunately, I have not garnered enough proof that said serum is possible.
I must conduct more tests.

03:46 - Tape 5
This... This is Chujin.
I was worried this might happen. Science is a dangerous game.
Rather foolishly, I experimented on myself... several times.
Over and over, the subject rejected the fusion, and I think I know why.
I'll be direct...
My SOUL has deteriorated and I don't know how much longer I have.
However... I believe my theory holds stronger than it ever did.
This is a message to my dear Ceroba:
This research is up to you. No one else would listen.
After I'm gone... look for the next human who falls down here.
Someone pure of heart - uncorrupted.
I need you to obtain their SOUL but not just anywhere...
You must have a Boss Monster SOUL nearby to fuse with.
You'll need...
...**** it all.
Search for a willing Boss Monster in the Underground. Someone else... please.
Our little girl... Kanako... She needs to live a happy life, unaffected by my endeavors.
That is my final wish.

04:48 - Secret Tape Location
05:21 - Examining the Secret Basement

05:51 - Secret Tape
This is Chujin.
I messed up, miscalculated, something.
Axis... Axis is dangerous.
I must have overshot the variables, all I wanted was apprehension.
The human who almost hurt my child, I told Axis to track them down.
I know I should've stayed to comfort Kanako and tend to the resident who was hurt but...
...I had a tool that could stop the human's crusade, so I tried.
...In a flash, Axis left me. Bolted for Waterfall.
By the time I tracked him down... it was too late.
I'll never forget the scene laid before me.
Part of me wanted to quit everything that instant but...
...This outcome was earned, was it not?
Axis soon contained the subject and... hid the evidence.
There was some property damage but I'm sure it won't come back to me... I hope.
In any case... I now have a human SOUL in my possession.
I do not know exactly what I should do with it but the power that rests within it is...
Well, let's just say I'm not donating it to Asgore like all the others. Not yet.
As for Axis, today's actions were excessive, but the potential is astounding.
With more work, Axis can be the future, I'm sure of it.
Anyway, I need to sleep.
Though something tells me that will be difficult to do for a while.

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