Dolano: No more Wanting to Be Freed -- This is Liberation

Описание к видео Dolano: No more Wanting to Be Freed -- This is Liberation

This Satsang with Dolano took place in Poona / India in Sept. 2011. The first four minutes of the video part 1 you will find a still image and the audio of Dolano's voice. After that you will find a normal video with moved pictures (Jetzt-TV, Dolano, Satsang02).
Seeing how naturally the mind can be at rest; there is only now if there are thoughts or no thoughts; see what meditation points you to; this now is the entrance; what is here when you don't want anything? Just enjoy the true holiday; be scientific; learn to value what is; about realization cannot truly be spoken; there is no realization of enlightenment; enjoying the true holiday after knowing who am I; mind still in the wrong vision; a shift needs to happen; once liberated, mind is a beautiful vehicle of source; all fell into its place and perfection without looking for it; all was so over, no more quest; what has changed? The vision has changed; meditation is the highway; the third eye can see what can't be seen, this is knowing; the third eye is already open; once you close the eyes there are no boundaries; all is you; nature is the positive invitation for enlightenment; suffering is the negative invitation for enlightenment; in intensive Satsang it takes about five days to know who you are; after this is known the mind has to be liberated; Dolano speaks in a way that listeners can relate to it on their own.
How can my partner understand me? No need to be understood; you are not what you think you are and the same is true for your partner; being with a partner is about being with him because he is just the way he is; have patience and compassion, no need to change him; it functions best when it doesn't have to work; your nature is alone; be happy with that and have humor; how can you expect that the partner can understand you? Can there anything be achieved at all? The mastery of this mind can be achieved; the last Satsang is the last effort; in intensive Satsang you will find exactly what you are looking for; to move out of the wrong vision of wanting to be freed, this is liberation; mind has the tendency to do everything; it has to make this effort to check out that it does not work; for the last Satsang a maturity is required; wanting to know what is true -- no further wanting as a requirement for the last Satsang; no energy to speak about who am I in open Satsang; how do we know if something is good for us? Put everybody aside and ask yourself what you want; follow your feeling; come to know meditation because there you come to know on your own and not from anybody else; meditation is entertaining for mind; value of not doing anything; mind comes to know having no thoughts and starts trusting silence; Coming to know through investigation; direct listening is the authority to know what is good for you; Osho often said: "Be a light onto yourself!"
"Nothing ever happened"; why to hold on anything happening? There is only now; no Satori required to know so; people can hear the ringing bells with listening to the open Satsang; there are things that are right and there are things that are wrong; the last Satsang takes a complete month and maturity; love is your nature; as long as you have ideas about it, you don't know what it is; wake up; wanting to feel love; the radical request for full commitment to do the last Satsang; it has to be on the top of your list; what is in the moment already is so valuable and rich; you have to see yourself completely left alone to hear the wake-up call; no need to come to know truth; truth is true if you know so or you don't know it; source makes the effort to come through; mind is the arrogance which does not allow nature to come through; separation and superiority complex; loving to be humbled; having only Buddhas around; open Satsang to support being a light to oneself.


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