What Is the Future of the Conservative Movement?

Описание к видео What Is the Future of the Conservative Movement?

Conservatives face major questions about the future of their movement.

So what does the future hold after the 2020 elections? Will conservatism see a major realignment? A return to old ways? A new direction?

Explore this pressing topic with two of the most astute observers of American conservatism, Matthew Continetti and Oren Cass, in this episode of Conservative Conversations with ISI.

Continetti is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the founder of the Washington Free Beacon. Cass is the executive director of American Compass, an institution that endeavors to build a post-Trump conservatism with an emphasis on family, community, and industry.

In this event, recorded the day after the 2020 elections, Continetti and Cass share their thoughts and predictions about what’s in store.

Recorded November 4, 2020.

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