HOW I PUT 1300 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ON MY CAR! TUTORIAL VW Volkswagen Eos Modified Cars Weird Wrap

Описание к видео HOW I PUT 1300 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ON MY CAR! TUTORIAL VW Volkswagen Eos Modified Cars Weird Wrap

big reveal at 7:13! follow @the.diamond.eos on insta for more photos and vids of the finished product

stuff i used:
2 X GE Color Choice 600-Count 124.4-ft Multi-Function Color Changing LED Plug-In Christmas String Lights
gaffer's tape (purchase link: @ional-Gaffer-Power-Non-Reflective-Multipurpose/dp/B075RF86ZR/ref=sr_1_2)
12V spare car battery
500W power inverter
outlet plug with remote


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From high heels to car parts & everything in between... if you can dream it, I can CRYSTALL!ZE it! Each crystal is hand-placed, one by one in whichever color you choose!

If you have an item you'd like crystallized, email me for a quote!
E-mail: inquiries(at)
Call or Text: (484) 401-7937

All images, products, and footage (c) 2020 CRYSTALL!ZED by Bri, LLC.


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