Wyoming Pronghorn - Trail Cam Video

Описание к видео Wyoming Pronghorn - Trail Cam Video

Pronghorn in Wyoming cross a fence by the hundreds.
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The clip illustrates how fences can be an obstacle for wildlife as they migrate. A large portion of the Medicine Bow Pronghorn Herd migrates north out of Shirley Basin into Bates Hole in the winter, but their progress is slowed by pasture fences and highway right-of-way fences along the way that are not a wildlife-friendly design. Hundreds of pronghorn are shown crossing at this location, along Highway 487 south of Casper, because it’s one of a few locations with a large enough gap to cross under that also has a similar gap on the other side of the road. Even this crossing location can become impassable in the winter if the snow is too deep, though. Collar data and footage from remote trail cameras help us identify sections of fence that would be most beneficial to convert to a wildlife friendly design.


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