What is Reality Therapy? (Choice Theory)

Описание к видео What is Reality Therapy? (Choice Theory)

This video describes Reality Therapy. Reality Therapy is a therapeutic modality that was developed by William Glasser and it is based on a philosophy he also developed called Choice Theory. Reality Therapy is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that emphasizes, needs, behavior, thinking, taking responsibility, and relationships. Reality Therapy is based on a few different needs: survival, freedom, fun, love and belonging, and power. In Reality Therapy, love and belonging is the most important need and power is expressed as a more negative need. All behavior is chosen and behavior is the only thing that is under direct control. Problems occur when people use external control when they try to meet the need for power, but in a negative way. This leads to frustration, conflict, and disconnected relationships. According to Reality Therapy disconnected relationships are the cause of all long lasting mental health symptoms. One of the goals include taking responsibility, generating a new perspective, and developing a specific plan to reconnect with other people. In Reality Therapy, there are seven deadly habits and seven caring habits. The seven deadly habits are criticizing, blaming, complaining, nagging, threatening, punishing, and bribing or rewarding in order to exert control. The seven caring habits are supporting, encouraging, listening, accepting, trusting, respecting, and negotiating differences. To the extent that somebody can reduce their deadly habits and increase their caring habits, they can improve relationships and, in theory, reduce mental health symptoms. Another idea in Reality Therapy is total behavior. This comprises doing, thinking, feeling, and physiology. Feeling and physiology are looked at as difficult to directly control, and doing and thinking our thought of as much easier to control. In Reality Therapy almost all the activity starts with doing or acting and then moves to thinking, with feeling and physiology worked on later.


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