INFERNO CANTO 1 explained

Описание к видео INFERNO CANTO 1 explained

PLAYLIST LINK to ALL the 100 VIDEOS IS HERE (save it!):    • DIVINE COMEDY 100 Cantos 100 Videos p...  

Synopsis and analysis of Canto I, the introductory Canto of Dante’s Divine Comedy with an explanation of the main elements.

English translation used in this video: Robert Pinsky, "The Inferno of Dante: A New Verse Translation", Bilingual Edition. You can find it here:

1. The title "Divine Comedy"
2. Canto I : the "proemio" to the entire poem
3. The 4 levels of interpretation as indicated by Dante Alighieri
4. Midway on our life's journey
5. The three beasts
6. Virgil: his role as mentor and guide

If you want to hear a wonderful reading of Canto I in Italian by Vittorio Gassman, one of the greatest Italian actors, you can find it here (reading starts at minute 4:40)    • Gassman legge Dante - Inferno, Canto I  

I'm planning to stick to 15 - 20 minutes for the next videos about each individual canto, but this one is longer because Canto I is such a dense one and an important introduction to the Divine Comedy.


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