Vlogmas Episode2| Christmas Lights Event + Weekly Youtube Stats Update

Описание к видео Vlogmas Episode2| Christmas Lights Event + Weekly Youtube Stats Update

Vlogmas Episode2| Christmas Lights Event + Weekly Youtube Stats Update

In this week's Vlogmas episode we visit the Hopefield Christmas Lights event. As always I give you my honest opinion. I also share my weekly journey as a small Youtuber and getting monetised. Follow along as I post my weekly analytics, and try to improve.

If you liked the video, please give it a thumbs up, and subscribe to my channel – it would mean the absolute world to me!
See you next Wednesday.

SUBSCRIBE:    / @laurafranzman-botha  


Email: [email protected]
Snail mail :
SA Franzman-Botha
PO Box 321
South Africa

#vlogmas #ChristmasLightsEvent #youtubemonetization #smallyoutuber #smallchannel #sidehustle #over40 #laurafranzman-botha #thelfb #SouthAfricanChristmas

0:00 Intro + Lights Festival
4:28 Youtube monetization update


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