The Beatles: Carnival of Light (Closest Recreation)

Описание к видео The Beatles: Carnival of Light (Closest Recreation)


This is my attempt to get as close to the famed elusive track Carnival of Light, 5 January 1967.

I have used a combo of genuine Beatles Voices and instruments from the Sgt Pepper Era and interviews, sentence mixing and a Paul McCartney impression by myself.

There are tape loops, distortions, echo, and really trying to get everything that's written about COL into this. I'm sure I have missed some stuff and might do a revised version in the future


00:18 Paul asks if everyone is ready, John replies and Paul bangs his head
00:26 Mellotron kicks in for a bit
01:12 Heavy effects on a Tampura
01:39 Some studio chatter
02:34 John: "If that works I'm in for it!"
02:40 George starts noodling on the guitar
03:09 Paul performs a weird chant
03:48 More Paul weirdness, reminiscent of 'You Know My Name'
04:38 Paul says "Ok" and George Martin starts a tape loop of a past rehearsal
05:32 Some coughing
06:24 John studio chatter
06:47 John feedbacks guitar whilst shouting "ELECTRICITY", then laughs
08:10 Something musical emerges briefly
08:45 Native chanting from Paul??
08:58 John Laughs and Paul does some more coughing
09:53 John: "Hah! ...ok" Paul: "Yes ok..."
11:06 Mellotron starts back up
11:46 Some psychedelic music starts here till end of COL made with Mellotron?
12:36 Someone whistles some tune
13:50 Paul: "Pidgeon!"
14:01 John's back with his feedback
14:25 Paul mentions pidgeon again, George says "can somebody shut the door?" (Maybe pidgeon got into studio???)
14:36 Paul tells George Martin they have finished, and "Can we hear it back now?"
14:45 Someone makes breathing gasps into the mic

Hope you enjoy!


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