
Описание к видео 掏空

又是一首讓人心痛的歌... a painful and heartbreaking song
Tāo kōng
Hollow Out
Yang Lan Yi


Video: Lisa Chang

Kàn nǐ péng yǒu quān de zhào piàn de xiào róng
The smile when looking at the photos in your circle of friends

bù shì wǒ xiǎng xiàng zhōng yǐ wéi de bèi dòng
it's not as passive as I imagined

nà qiān zhe shuí de shǒu wò dì nàme cóng róng
那牽著誰的手 握的那麼從容
Whose hand are you holding? Hold it so calmly

kěxí wǒ wèi nǐ yīrán chǔndòng
It's a pity that I still move for you

Dāng wǒ shǒu huà le shān qù nǐ de xíng zōng
When I swipe my finger and delete your whereabouts

bù shì hé lèi yǎn zhōng jiān'áo de guān zhòng
not suitable for views who are prone to tears

nà yī gè rén de mèng zěn me dōu shì cháo fèng
那一個人的夢 怎麼都是嘲諷
That man's dream is always a mockery

zhǐ shì wǒ bù suàn (céng) chéng rèn jù zhōng
It's just that I don't (ever) admit that the play is over

(Jí shǐ qiān chuāng bǎi kǒng de gǎn qíng zǎo bèi tāo kōng
(即使千瘡百孔的感情 早被掏空
(Even if the feelings riddled with holes have long been hollowed out

huí yì dì měi dǐ bù liǎo sī niàn tòu guò lái de fēng
回憶的美抵不了 思念透過來的風
The beauty of memories is incomparable to the wind blowing through my thoughts

xiǎng yě méi yǒu yòng bù xiǎng yě méi yǒu yòng
想也沒有用 不想也沒有用
It's no use even thinking about that, It's useless not to think about that

fù chū le suǒ yǒu zuì hòu de jié guǒ shì wǒ bù dǒng)
付出了所有 最後的結果 是我不懂)
I gave it all but it tune out at the end I didn't understand

Qíshí bǎ yǎn kū hóng de gǎn qíng zhù dìng chéng kōng
其實把眼哭紅的感情 註定成空
Emotions that make your eyes red from crying are destined to be in vain

tiān zhēn de rén děng dào shì shí jiān dài bù zǒu de tòng
What naive people are waiting for is the pain that time cannot take away

zhǐ hǎo bǎ xiàn zài yǐ hòu de nǐ hé wǒ fang zhú zài fēng zhōng
只好把現在以後的你和我 放逐在風中 # ♡
Now and in the future, I can only exile you and me in the wind

( 間 奏 )


~ #(重覆一次)

伴奏語音:( )

♡ ~ ♡(重覆一次)

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