Complete CSS Crash Course Bangla - Programming Hero

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Complete CSS Crash Course - Programming Hero

Complete Web Development With Programming Hero ৮ম ব্যাচের সকল সময়সূচিঃ
✅এনরোলমেন্ট শুরু: জুন ১০, ২০২৩ (শনিবার)
✅এনরোলমেন্ট শেষ: জুন ২৪, ২০২৩ (শনিবার)
✅কোর্স ফি: ৫৫০০ টাকা

কোর্সের বিস্তারিত পাবেন ও কোর্সে এনরোল করতে পারবেন এই লিংকেঃ

CSS Crash Course Topics

Introduction to CSS
A. What is CSS?
B. Why learn CSS?
C. CSS syntax and basic structure
D. Linking CSS to HTML

CSS Selectors and Styling Basics
A. Element selectors
B. Class selectors
C. ID selectors
D. Selecting multiple elements
E. CSS properties and values
F. Inline styles vs. internal/external stylesheets

CSS Box Model and Layout
A. Understanding the box model
B. Margin, padding, and border properties
C. Width and height properties
D. Display property and layout options (block, inline, inline-block)
E. Positioning elements (static, relative, absolute, fixed)
F. Floating elements and clearing floats

CSS Typography and Colors
A. Font properties (size, weight, style, family)
B. Text properties (color, alignment, decoration)
C. Using Google Fonts and custom fonts
D. Working with colors (hex codes, RGB, named colors)
E. Background properties (color, image, repeat, position)

CSS Flexbox
A. Introduction to flexbox
B. Flex container and flex items
C. Flexbox properties (flex-direction, justify-content, align-items)
D. Creating flexible layouts with flexbox

CSS Grid
A. Introduction to CSS grid
B. Grid container and grid items
C. Grid properties (grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, grid-gap)
D. Creating grid-based layouts with CSS grid

CSS Best Practices and Tips
A. Code organization and structure
B. Efficient use of selectors
C. Using shorthand properties
D. CSS preprocessors (brief overview)
· B. Next steps in CSS learning journey
· C. Additional resources for further exploration

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