Micro-Phlebectomy for Varicose Veins - VEINatlanta

Описание к видео Micro-Phlebectomy for Varicose Veins - VEINatlanta

VEINatlanta's Dr. Prevosti explains what a micro-phlebectomy is and how it is used to treat varicose veins. Ambulatory micro-phlebectomy (AP) is used to treat bulging and visible varicose veins. It is usually performed as part of a comprehensive vein treatment plan. The procedure is performed in the office with local anesthesia. A series of small nicks about 2-3mm in length are made in the skin along the course of the vein. Using specialized instruments, the vein is carefully removed in small sections. Steri-strips (small pieces of tape) are placed over the tiny incisions. In most cases no sutures are necessary.

Learn more about VEINatlanta by visiting www.veinatlanta.com. Schedule your appointment by calling 404-446-2800.


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