World Gym and ASF Sign Major Deal at IHRSA 2021!

Описание к видео World Gym and ASF Sign Major Deal at IHRSA 2021!

Join World Gym’s Jarrod Saracco and Club OS + ASF’s Nick Hahn as they share some exciting news at this year’s IHRSA conference! World Gym recently announced a newly signed deal to officially bring ASF on as World Gym’s member management software, complete with seamless integration with Club OS. This big leap will help propel World Gym’s 215 + location empire into the future for 2022 and beyond, with the combined power of our two softwares. ASF + Club OS is a fully customizable CRM that works with your club to meet your needs, and surpass whatever business goals you may have. We would like to extend a huge welcome to Jarrod and our new partners at World Gym…Welcome to the ASF Family!

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