Volunteers (1985) 35mm film trailer, scope 4K

Описание к видео Volunteers (1985) 35mm film trailer, scope 4K

This 35mm film trailer has been given to me by a contributor and transferred to digital using the Gugusse Roller with the Raspberry Pi HQ Camera.

https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/volu... 58% - 33%

Thanks to Eric Anderson for sending me this roll!

The Gugusse Roller is a DIY project consisting mainly of 3D Printed parts, a Raspberry Pi, a small arduino, 3 stepper motors, a few rods, a good quantity of small bearings and a lot of bolts and nuts. Build your own Gugusse Roller, visit www.deniscarl.com and/or www.facebook.com/Gugusse-Roller-2216783521714775, no registration, no fees, no fuss.

Synopsis by ChatGPT:
"Volunteers" is a comedy film released in 1985. Directed by Nicholas Meyer, the film stars Tom Hanks and John Candy in the lead roles.

The story follows Lawrence Bourne III, played by Tom Hanks, a privileged and self-centered young man who finds himself in debt and on the run from the IRS. To escape his troubles, Lawrence volunteers for the Peace Corps and is sent to a remote village in Thailand.

In Thailand, Lawrence crosses paths with the eccentric and bumbling Tom Tuttle, played by John Candy, and they are assigned to build a bridge for the local villagers. Along the way, they encounter cultural clashes, comedic misadventures, and a romantic entanglement with a beautiful American nurse, played by Rita Wilson.

"Volunteers" combines elements of comedy, adventure, and romance. The film satirizes the cultural differences and clash of ideologies between the American volunteers and the villagers they are meant to help. It also explores the personal growth and transformation of the main characters as they learn important life lessons.

The film showcases the comedic talents of Tom Hanks and John Candy, who deliver their trademark humor and on-screen chemistry. It offers a mix of physical comedy, witty dialogue, and situational humor.

Upon its release, "Volunteers" received mixed reviews from critics and was not a major box office success. However, it has gained a small following over the years, appreciated for its lighthearted and entertaining nature.

"Volunteers" provides an enjoyable and comedic escape, combining laughter with themes of personal growth and cultural understanding. It remains a notable entry in the filmography of both Tom Hanks and John Candy, showcasing their comedic talents during the early stages of their careers.


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