S-17 Day 23 Magical Air That You Breathe | Gratitude to Five Elements | Game of Life And How To Play

Описание к видео S-17 Day 23 Magical Air That You Breathe | Gratitude to Five Elements | Game of Life And How To Play

S-17 Day 23 Magical Air That You Breathe | Gratitude to Five Elements | Game of Life And How To Play It ‪@TheSecretByRhondaByrne‬
31/12/24 Day 23 Magical Air That You Breathe | Keynotes
1. Thank You for all the achievements that I got in 2024.
2. Celebrate New Year with Ur loved ones but try do not try to intoxicate yourself by drinking beyond limits because Drinking and Driving is Not Celebration. Do not Smoke. Smoking Kills. Do not overdo sugar.
3. 2025 is the best year of my life. May it be full of love, success, lots of travels, Opportunities. Universe will gift us all the abundance when we dream for it.
4. Ask Universe to give u the best moments, super success, the best of health and happiness.
5. Keep Yourself well hydrated throughout the day. Ideally you should be having 3 to 4 l of water everyday so as to expel 2.5 l of urine. This is the Seva for Body. Love ur Body, Love yourself. Thank your Soul for it has chosen u as a body.
6. Come out of the sedentary lifestyle. Move your Body every 1 hour. Because Sitting is the New Smoking.
7. Take care of Your Body by excercising, Feeding Good nutritious food, keeping it satiated with Water.
8. Magical Air that You Breathe has to be done 5 Prahars. So Inhale and Exhale 5 times and say Thank you for the Magical Aur That You Breathe.
9. When you thank The magical air, U actually indirectly Thank the 5 Elements by default.
10. Morning Walk is So important for Us. Nature is Magical and Miraculous.
11. Nature is made of 5 elements. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.
12. Saying Thank you to The Magical Air will Fetch you Abundance in all the realm of ur life.
13. Respect The Magical Air, Love it, Thank It Because it is keeping us alive.
14. Everything in the Nature is So Well Disciplined. Learn Discipline and Consistency from the nature.
15. The perfection in the composition of the air, The stretch of the Atmosphere, The place of our earth in the solar system. Each and everything is disciplined.
16. Magical air Practice emphasizes on breathwork. Breathwork is the technique which purposely fetches us best of health, happiness and super success in everything.
17. Today take out sometime at 5 different intervals of time and Thank the Magical AIR AND the 5 elements.
18. Inhale Gratitude and Exhale Love. While inhaling feel bliss that u are able to breathe and while exhaling think that u are giving world lots of love and happiness.
19. Count your blessings in the morning and deliberately do the magic rock practice at night for rewiring your mind completely.
20. Be thankful for all the things that u enjoy because someone else is giving u all that.
21. Magic dust everyone must be done everyday. Daily Bless 10 different people not known to u.

Game Of Life And How To Play It || Casting your Burden
1. Learn to surrender or give all your Burdens to God.
2. Casting The Burden - Means If u have any problem you are facing in the area of health, Job, relationship or finances just give that burden to God.
3. Like Columbus always try to keep ur eyes and ears open to Understand what Universe wants to give you.
4. Understand the cues of the universe by staying in the Present Moment, and know that every challenge comes because God is just about to fulfill Your dreams.
5. Have an attitude of gratitude under all circumstances.
6. Always be aware that whether u are walking on the road of Fear or U are having Faith upon the Universe?
7. Faith and Fear cannot Co-exist.
8. Assignment - If u think that u have a belief that u can not communicate well in public, Or suppose u have a health challenge and u keep on thinking that how do u get rid of it, OR anything like u are not able to lose your ody weight.; then just write it down on a piece of paper that “I cast ……. My worry of Health/Money ….to the God Within. I let it go completely, with love and I am free.
9. Casting Means Surrender. Let go of it with love and Enjoy Your Life.
10. Take Action that shouts your Faith. Take your Affirmation from this chapter, write on the paper or in ur journal.
11. Universe i have 100 % faith that my medical condition (or anything) will completely be cured.

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