PechaKucha Night Sofia vol23 - Milen Donev from UX Bulgaria

Описание к видео PechaKucha Night Sofia vol23 - Milen Donev from UX Bulgaria

PechaKucha Night Sofia vol23 - Milen Donev from UX Bulgaria presenting on May 20, 2024.

Milen has 20+ years of design experience. For the past 8 years, his focus has been on UX, consumer psychology, team management and training young designers. His work with software developers, QAs, marketing and data analysts, gives him a holistic understanding of creating a digital product.

He spent 5 years leading the UX department at Remix, one of the largest online fashion stores in Europe, owned by the American giant ThredUP.

Founder of the Bulgarian UX community, UX guest lecturer at Telerik Academy and mentor.


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