Stewart Lee - Scooby Doo Thatcher Routine (Carpet Remnant World 2012)

Описание к видео Stewart Lee - Scooby Doo Thatcher Routine (Carpet Remnant World 2012)

Scooby Doo as a commentary on Thatcherite and Tory socioeconomic policy and Stewart Lee's existential despair.

An insight into the thoughts of David Cameron, William Beveridge, and Margaret Thatcher regarding the provision of jungle canyon rope bridges at both a national and regional level.

"In many ways [my wife] Samantha is a very ordinary girl; she once used a jungle canyon rope bridge."
- David Cameron

"All mystery investigating teenagers, and dogs, of working age should pay a weekly national insurance contribution, and in return all the jungle canyon rope bridges will be fully maintained in a safe condition."
- William Beveridge

"A mystery investigating teenager, or dog, who, beyond the age 26, finds himself still using a jungle canyon rope bridge can count himself a failure in life."
- Margaret Thatcher

An excerpt from Stewart Lee's 2011 / 2012 touring show, Carpet Remnant World.


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