Lick of the Day: Gary Moore-style Super Chunk by Doug Aldrich

Описание к видео Lick of the Day: Gary Moore-style Super Chunk by Doug Aldrich

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Today's lick is inspired by the legendary Gary Moore. It begins with a steady, machine-gun barrage of alternate-picked, palm-muted 16th notes and ends with a wild two-step "over-bend" on the low E string, punctuated by a squealing pinch harmonic.

I play through this lick using strict alternate picking (down-up-down-up) to ensure my rhythms are dead-on accurate. The best way to practice this style of picking is simply to start out slow, paying close attention to your pick stroke's direction. You can use the picking prompts in the notation as a guide to make sure you're on the right track.

When performing the two-step bend on the low G note (low E string, third fret) in bar 4, I'm using both my index and middle fingers to pull the string in toward my palm. The extra finger muscle is all but required to perform this monster bend, as otherwise there's a good chance the string would slip out from under my middle finger.

The piercing squeal heard on the first G-note bend in bar 4 is the result of a pick-hand technique called a "pinch harmonic." Pinch harmonics are usually indicated in notation by the abbreviation "P.H.", and are produced by grazing the tip of your pick-hand's thumb against the string as you pick a downstroke. However, to produce a harmonic, the thumb must touch the string at a specific point along the string, known as a "node." Node locations are different for each fretted note, so you'll need to seek them out by picking up and down the string until you locate the desired harmonic note "squeal." An overdriven amp or distortion pedal will expose node points more readily, as will the use of the guitar's bridge pickup, making pinch harmonics a bit easier to perform.

The tempo is 120 beats per minute, 64 for slow practice.


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