NEWS: With the Eyes of Faith!™ 2024-09-21 #7 CONFUSOCRACY

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NEWS: With the Eyes of Faith!™ 2024-09-21 #7 CONFUSOCRACY
Another assassination attempt on Trump. Will you still keep quiet?
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me
"He that speaketh, whose spirit is contrite, whose language is meek and edifieth, the same is of God if he obey mine ordinances." D^C 52:16
Left's Culture of Death
Kill young, abortion
Kill old. euthanasia
Kill enemies, Trump
Social Media Celebrities
Stephen King
The Dead Zone
J. Michael Straczynski
Babylon 5 and VP assassinates the President
Mark Hamil
Robert Picardo, The Holographic Doctor
Kathy Griffen, and the severed head.
JFK to Trump
what changed with the Democrats? Party of JFK now quiet about assassinations?
Speaking out against political assassinations is not an endorsement of Trump. It is an endorsement of Humanity and civil society.
Book of Mormon pattern and assassinations?
Contention is a choice:
Love enemies, pray for charity, and forgive people
Biden is still president: The confusocracy
Jana Riess, SL Trib,
Top 10 changes:
1. Moving to a two-hour church meeting schedule.
2. Emphasizing home-based “Come Follow Me” gospel study.
3. Using the full name of the church and avoiding “Mormon.”
4. Allowing missionaries to call home weekly.
5. Allowing parents to accompany youth into bishops’ interviews.
6. Removing the one-year waiting period between civil weddings and temple sealings.
7. Allowing women and youth to serve as witnesses for baptisms.
8. Ending the relationship with the Boy Scouts of America.
9. Changing temple rituals to expand the role of Eve and give greater equality to women.
10. Calling the first Asian American and the first Brazilian as apostles.
Missing: Sabbath (pre prophet), JST mss, Kirtland Temple, JSP finished, Preach My gospel. Passion Week/Holy Week came and went.
Ensign Collge Pres. Bruce C. Kusch, RMN talk titles
“Think Celestial.”
“The Answer Is Always Jesus Christ.”
“Peacemakers Needed.”
“Focus on the Temple.”
“Overcome the World and Find Rest.”
“The Power of Spiritual Momentum.”
“Make Time for the Lord.”
“Let God Prevail.”
“Hear Him.”
“Opening the Heavens for Help.”
“Choices for Eternity.”
Des News
I saw this, and thought, wow, from the devil's brew to soft drinks that shall remain nameless in one life time
There are bona fide medical reasons to use caffeine
D&C 89:8, tobacco "judgment and skill"
Why this focus on a stimulant? Soft drinks remain nameless?
Always open for clarification
Life hack
Someone offers you a W of W non-compliant drink say
Thank you, I won't be able to drink it.
I do appreciate your intent.
A Pattern for Unity in Jesus Christ, By President Russell M. Nelson
1) Conversion
2) Covenants
3) Fairness, Equality, and Helping the Poor
4) Obedience
5) Meeting Together
6) Love
7) Divine Identity
Each of us is a child of God
Each of us is a child of the covenant.
Each of us is a disciple of Jesus Christ. I
8) Be One
Prevent further assassinations, and prepare earth for Zion and Christ
That's News with the Eyes of Faith


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