Dr Younghoon Lee: The Power of Faith

Описание к видео Dr Younghoon Lee: The Power of Faith

March 25, 2023 | Saturday 5pm Service


In this message, Dr Younghoon Lee, Senior Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church reminds the church that God always works with and through great men and women of faith, such as his spiritual father and mentor, the late Dr Yonggi Cho. Using powerful testimonies of faith at work, Dr Lee shares three things a Christian must have: one, believers must have great dreams and visions in Jesus Christ. It was through such dreams and visions that Dr Lee built a church in five years, debt-free and he and his wife conceived their child after 17 years of marriage. Two, believers must have a word of God-centred faith; they must meditate on God’s word day and night and listen carefully and obey the word of God immediately. Three, Jesus Christ is the centre of the believer’s faith, so believe in Jesus and trust in Him. The starting point of the Christian faith is the cross where Jesus conquered death. Let faith arise as you listen to this sermon!


00:00 Welcome
00:36 Worship
39:59 Offering
44:41 Announcements
59:50 Sermon


Song Leader: Sherlyn Chia
Joth Hunt
© 2008 Planetshakers Ministries Int. Inc.

Song Leader: Sherlyn Chia
Jeremy Riddle | Josh Farro | Phil Wickham
© 2012 Phil Wickham Music, Seems Like Music, Sing My Songs, WC Music Corp., Bethel Music Publishing

Song Leader: Sun Ho
Henry Seeley
© 2006 TBCO Music



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Website | chc.org.sg


Used by Permission.
CCLI Copyright License Number: #261379
CCLI Streaming Plus Number: #138237
COMPASS License Number: 130300005


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